A San Diego Zoo snow leopard was coughing. A test showed he had covid-19.

আপডেট: জুলাই ২৮, ২০২১

A San Diego Zoo snow leopard was coughing. A test showed he had covid-19.
After caretakers at the San Diego Zoo noticed a male snow leopard showing those symptoms on Thursday, they decided to have him screened for the coronavirus. Two tests of the animal’s stool came back with the same results: positive.

Zoo officials are waiting for the U.S. Department of Agriculture to confirm the infection. But they said in a Friday statement they are closely monitoring the snow leopard, a 9-year-old named Ramil. The species is considered vulnerable to extinction, with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature estimating there are 2,700 to 3,300 mature snow leopards left in the wild.

“I know that this cat is going to get the best possible care,” Chief Conservation and Wildlife Health Officer Nadine Lamberski said in a statement provided by the zoo. “And I’m confident that the team has the expertise to manage this situation.”

So far, Ramil appears to be “doing well,” the statement said, with just the cough and runny nose as symptoms. Veterinarians assume the animals that share his habitat – a female snow leopard and two Amur leopards – have also been exposed, so all are being quarantined. Their exhibit is closed to visitors until further notice.

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