Turkey’s Lake Mogan faces rising threat:around 240 species of birds to home on the shoreline

আপডেট: জুন ২২, ২০২১

Environmental activists warn that Lake Mogan, the most popular recreational area in Turkeys capital Ankara, is facing rising threat from excessive urban development and human activities .

Lake Mogan is the most popular recreational area in Turkey’s capital of Ankara, where residents enjoy observing its natural beauty and abundance of wildlife. But environmental activists are ringing the alarm bell for the rising threat it faces from urban development.

On weekends and holidays, Ankara’s residents love visiting the restaurants, cafes and camping facilities built on the shoreline of Lake Mogan, home to around 240 species of birds, some endangered, at various times of year. In winter, one can see sea birds migrating from northern countries to Turkey, while in summer, birds such as ferruginous ducks and red-crested pochards incubate their eggs at the lake area.

Lake Mogan is interconnected hydrologically with another small and shallow lake called Eymir, both located about 20 km south of Ankara. They constitute significant ecological resources for the capital.

“Lake Mogan is a wetland located right in the center of Anatolia and on bird migration routes, and as other wetlands in this region are drying out, it has grown in importance,” Melih Ozbek, a wildlife photographer as well as a passionate bird-watcher and activist

Ecology and Environmental Problems

In the waters of Mogan Lake, carp, tench, crane fish, silverfish, crawfish grows. However, the low percentage of oxygen in the lake and environmental pollution threaten fish breeds. The lake is exposed to urban and industrial pollution. In 2008, the water was supplied to the lake by the water from Kızılırmak river. In 2009, thousands of young silver fish and carp were killed when this water was not given. In 2012, four streams were fed into Mogan and five thousands of fish hit the shore.

Along the coastline of Mogan Lake, a 4-kilometer wooden platform beach walkway was built on the coastline of the Lake Mogan, and 3 cruise terraces and 400 benchs were placed on the road. In the evenings, the surface of the lake is illuminated by a laser system mounted on the top of the lighthouse. On the hill overlooking the Mogan lake, there is an amphitheater for 3000 people and a modern wedding hall for 1000 people.

Lake Mogan or Lake Gölbaşı ankara turkey, history, photograph ,information about, where? map, how can i go? places to visit, places to go. historical places, old buildings. old cities. Small lake with picnic tables, campsites, fishing areas, a walking trail & endangered waterfowl.